July 2023

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🏠 Personal

July was mostly a month in between the conferences and summer holidays for me. Next week we will go out so July was a month at home, enjoying the local festivities of Valencia (Gran Fira de València) where the city was busy every weekend with many different activities. We had also national government and senate elections that as before, are leaving the country in a period of politics and very likely repeated elections.

Leaving here just a few picutres of different thinks we saw through the month.

Cercafira parade
Cercafira parade

A Muixeranga performance
A Muixeranga performance

A view of the Tosca map in the MuVIM museum
A view of the Tosca map in the MuVIM museum

A performance at the CCCC
A performance at the CCCC

❤️ Community

After the conferences from June, this month was pretty quiet. A few friends from Madrid, Amsterdam, and Buenos Aires came to València for a visit and we have a nice dinner at the south beach of the city. I hope we can get back to local gatherings in September, hopefully not just for beers 🍻 but also to do some form of talks or exchanges.

Another community effort started this month is the preparations for the annual Geoinquietos unconference called GeoCamp, that will happen by the end of September in Vigo, Spain. I’ve already booked flight and accommodation for that weekend 🎉.

📚 Reading

This month I haven’t read at a high pace but I still did a few pages every day. I finished the last short novel of the K Leguin Tales of Earthsea and I’m almost finished with the The Other Wind, the last book of the Earthsea series. I enjoyed this series a lot. Probably the best fantasy books I’ve read in the recent years. I will keep reading K Leguin works in the future since I still have quite a few.

For this month I would like to get back to reading something in Catalan. All the books I have in that language are on paper so I guess I will have to find something to read on digital form since I do this a lot at night thanks to the e-reader illuminated screen and my own phone.

Also, with the holidays time coming, I may get back to read comic some of the books I left last December.

🔊 Listening

A haven’t done much non-fiction listening this month: