
Published on at geo, cross-post, 2 mins.

This is a cross-posted article from my (now officially retired) geospatial blog at I plan to migrate the content from that site here. I may also do the same from other scattered blogs I’ve contributed in the past, so I can keep a more stable archive of my writings.

Vicente, Pedro-Juan, and me started this blog in 2006. Back then blogs were the best way to create content and share knowledge. It was the times of RSS, Google Reader, social bookmarking through, and pictures on Flickr. Very different from these days of micro-blogging, quick videos, influencers moving from one platform to another chasing their viewers’ attention and money, newsletters under paywalls, etc.

We stayed for a few months in a self-hosted Drupal CMS but maintaining it was a pain, so we moved to a managed Wordpress where we lived most of the time. Wordpress offered an excellent balance to get us writing without much hassle, keeping our domain, and very infrequent ads. Finally, last year I migrated the content to Hugo, a static generator, to save some costs, but the decline in writing started in 2018, so it is OK to close this project formally.

I will keep the blog code and content on a GitHub repository at where we have posts in Markdown since 2007, and everything is hopefully for ever available in the web archive at*/ I will probably copy my posts to my website.

Needless to say that we are forever grateful to those that encouraged us to write here. I had a lot of fun maintaining the website and writing content for everyone else. We are easy to find on the Internet, so please contact us anytime!

Have fun!