January 2023

Published on at update, 2 mins.

🏠 Personal

January was definitely a packed month on the personal side. The most obvious thing we did was to get married 😄. We signed papers at the notary just with our parents and sisters and the following day we got fancy dressed and went to one of our favorite restaurants to have lunch with our closest relatives. We wanted it to be something small and very familiar.

Still finishing the holidays season, at the start of the month there were yet a few festivities in València like the Wise Women parade with plenty of local groups performing typical stuff like the Muixeranga. We went with Bernat to our first baby activities at the Carme Culture Center and he loved it. I also went to my first indoor live concert after the pandemic 🤯.

We had two different rice recipes for lunch

A muixeranga group building their human tower

Babies playing

Damien Lott in El Loco Club

BTW last month I got a new phone (Pixel 7 Pro) and I’m loving taking pictures with this device camera.

❤️ Community

I did my second activity with Cibervoluntarios this month, an email training session for young kids that I blogged about. I plan to try to do more or less one activity per month, if possible.

We will have tomorrow our first Geoinquietos VLC Geobeers 🍻 and I’d love we get again the “community” energy to do regular gatherings and maybe something more than casual discussion. Let’s see.

Finally I started to think about how to participate in Spanish and Globbal FOSS4G conferences but more about that in following updates.

I had a lot of help with these folks

📚 Reading

This month I haven’t read much, but I’m almost finished with Kelly Link’s Stranger Things Happen. I have already another women written book on my queue but, I will have to find time for a career development book suggested at work that looks promising.

🔊 Listening

A selection of non-musical podcast episodes from this month: