October 2022

Published on at update, 1 mins.

🏠 Personal

In October we had a full week out in our first trip to a camping site where we stayed in a cabin. It was a great time with an incredibly warm weather (it actually stayed until November).

A cool thing I enjoyed was a concert to tribute an old Spanish singer, Nino Bravo, performed by a good singer.

Nino Bravo tribute concert

👨‍💻 Professional

In the work side it was a quiet month without much new happening.

❤️ Community

In October I attended my first non-geo meetup in a very long time. I went to a local coding group monthly gathering to learn about web internationalization and custom keyboards. It was a bit late to my current daily schedule so I could not stay for the after chat.

How to write your own keyboard!

📚 Reading

This was another low-reading month but I could go through two short things:

A very mappy poem

🔊 Listening

Apart from the music podcasts I mentioned in the October 2021 update, I can highlight the following podcast episodes from this month: