May 2021

Published on at update, 2 mins.

🏠 Personal

May was a quiet month with nothing really to highlight except maybe that we started to go to my mother’s country house, since the tenant left it. It’s been rented for more than 10 years so it was a bit strange to get back to it. We are trying to sell it but until then, we will enjoy a bit the house over the following weeks, I guess. We are waiting for people in 40’s (me) and 30’s (Alba) to get vaccinated but no dates on that yet.

👨‍💻 Professional

This month we had the company Global All Hands, actually the Engineering side, since the other parts of the company are still on it. It was nice to learn more about the advances from other teams, looking for collaborations points to keep increasing the geospatial footprint in Elastic’s products.

❤️ Community

I’m waiting for the results of the FOSS4G conference program review, where I participated as a community and committee member. Probably the highlight for me of the month was my interview at Geohipster where I covered most of my professional career but also my community involvement.

đź“š Reading

This month I haven’t read much, but I hope to finish The Dispossessed very soon.

In the what’s next/postponed queue:

🔉 Listening

On audiobooks I’m almost done with The Danish Way of Parenting, which I think I will eventually get on paper.

In the what’s next/postponed queue: