April 2021

Published on at update, 3 mins.

🏠 Personal

April has been mostly about getting back to work and adapting to the new schedule. I’m super lucky to have a great support from Elastic so for the upcoming months I will with reduced working hours to be more present for Bernat and Alba. This month we could spend one day in Segorbe with Alba’s sister & family. COVID and restrictions are still present so we cannot do much more than staying around, visiting friends and family when possible. My mom and Alba’s dad got their first vaccine shot!! 🙌.

👨‍💻 Professional

In the professional side, even working at 80% I’m getting back to speed, continuing with projects, planning the next months, and looking forward for the Elastic Global All Hands, again in virtual mode. It’s sad that I cannot meet my workmates in person for another full year, but there’s not much we can do about it.

❤️ Community

Thanks to my loved geofriends the Rafagas daily digest is now a shared project and I will be doing translations every four weeks. I also took the opportunity to improve a bit some internal processes that make the site more resilient and updated.

I presented my abstract about Elastic to the FOSS4G conference and I hope it gets accepted, but everything seems a bit less relevant because something horrible happened a few days ago. Malena Libman, the conference co-chair and a great community leader and friend passed away because of COVID 😢.

📚 Reading

This month I canceled my Kindle Unlimited offer, since I’m not reading that much and I have plenty of content. The catalog is fine, but I always find some other books to read.

I finished Educación Financiera avanzada partiendo de cero by Gregorio Hernández. I think I will return to finish The Dispossessed by Ursula K Leguin soon, but it’s true that I haven’t had much energy or time for novels 😓.

In the what’s next/postponed queue:

🔉 Listening

On audiobooks, I finished Norse Mythology by Neil Gaiman and I started a parenting audiobook called The Danish Way of Parenting. I think I will end up buying a physical copy of this one because this is the kind of text you want to bookmark and share with your partner.

In the what’s next/postponed queue: