March 2021

Published on at update, 2 mins.

🏠 Personal

Last month has been almost all about nursing Bernat, but we could spend a couple days in Xàbia and that was great. COVID is going well here in Valencia compared to the rest of the country and we are looking forward for my mom and Alba’s parents to be vaccinated.

👨‍💻 Professional

Full time parental leave finished a few days ago so nothing really new in the professional side. I’m just back to work so at this moment is all about catching up with team’s project and starting to think about what’s next for me for the following months.

❤️ Community

I’m catching up with the work for the Rafagas daily digest that a few friends took over. I’m doing some maintenance but soon I’ll join the rotation. Also last week we had the annual Spanish FOSS4G event Jornadas de SIG Libre and it was awesome to join the Spanish speaking community again and learn about new projects and activities.

📚 Reading

This month I haven’t (again) read that much. I keep with the Educación Financiera avanzada partiendo de cero by Gregorio Hernández and at some point I will return to finish The Dispossessed by Ursula K Leguin.

In the what’s next/postponed queue:

🔉 Listening

On audiobooks, now that I’m back to some walking with Bernat, I started with Norse Mythology by Neil Gaiman. Along that one I also bought a few morer audiobooks to spend the credits that I’ve been piling and I canceled my Audible UK subscription. I think I’m good at least til summer on the audiobooks side but if I want to get anything new I will migrate my account to the Spanish marketplace.

In the what’s next/postponed queue: