September 2020
Published on at update, 2 mins.
👨💻 Professional
This month I plan to focus mostly on an internal project for Elastic Map Service, but we are also hosting our User Conference (ElasticON) in a virtual fashion where I will co-host a map session and will participate in a geospatial Birds of a Feather session.
❤️ Community
Apart from the conference mentioned above, I will be participating in my first conf 🗺️, even it overlaps with ElasticON! I’m also more involved now on the Elastic Community here at Spain, looking forward to learn more local use cases and projects.
🏠 Personal
Not much to report on the personal side, we just started the third and last quarter of Alba’s pregnancy 🤰. We are finishing the purchase of a few things for the baby, working on keeping her gestational diabetes under control, etc.
📚 Reading
Continuing listening through Death’s End from Cixin Liu. This is a 29 hours audio book so I think I still have a couple months to finish it. BTW, Audible has landed in Spain so when we finish all our 🇬🇧 credits, we’ll likely transfer our acounts.
My next audio book will be The Left Hand of Darkness by Ursula K Leguin. I’m wondering if I should re-purchase the books from my queue below as audio books 🤔.
And in the what’s next/postponed queue, my usual non-fiction books:
- The Intelligent Investor by Benjamin Graham
- How charts lie: getting smarter about visual information by Alberto Cairo
- Work Rules by Laszlo Rock
- Range: Why Generalists Triumph in a Specialized World by David Epstein