August 2020

Published on at update, 2 mins.

šŸ‘Øā€šŸ’» Professional

This month I plan to spend some time on improving Elastic basemaps, part of that meaning to also contribute to the OpenMapTiles schema and styles projects. I will also be spending some time on our Users Conference happening next month (but being recorded now).

By the way, I had my first anniversary at Elastic the 2nd of September šŸŽ‰. Time flies!!

ā¤ļø Community

Mid September I will be participating with my manager in Geomob, a virtual community meetup; apart from the preparations for the company conf, I’m also excited to try to attend NACIS event as well (they happen to be the same days!).

šŸ  Personal

Holidays are already gone and forgotten (but we enjoyed the time off greatly). We will try to get out for a weekend later this month, but apart from that, with COVID cases raising again, we don’t expect a lot of social activity.

I’m also getting more serious in my investing activities, trying to track better where I’m saving and hopefully making better decisions for our future.

šŸ“š Reading

This last month, after finishing The Moon is a Harsh Mistress and Rich Dad, Poor Dad, I enjoyed the audio adaptation of The Sandman, and now I’m reading/listening Death’s End from Cixin Liu, the third book of the Remembrance of Earth’s Past series. I also started reading The Dispossessed by Ursula K Le Guin, but I’m certainly not spending too much time with real reading lately.

And in the what’s next/postponed queue, my usual non-fiction books: