January 2020

Published on at update, 1 mins.


  • Focusing on community activities: conferences, workshops, and talks
  • Focusing on new data for the Elastic Map Service
  • Ramping up in JavaSrcipt and TypeScript programming languages through Udemy Courses


I don’t think I’ll have much time soon but

  • Giving a hand to organize Geocamp 2020
  • Leveraging Elastic Volunteering program to give a hand to SETEM activities
  • Helping to improve the code of a project to map streets named after women


  • Settle a routine that includes some work out
  • Doing some housekeeping to remove a lot of accumulated crap at home
  • Trying to take some time to learn about personal finances and investing (courses, podcasts, reading)


Actively (trying) to read:

And in the what’s next/postponed queue: